Lets have a little question and answer session.
Why doesn't Barak Obama support a Palestinian State? Because he is seeking reelection next year and has caved into the Jewish lobby.
Why did the western world save the banks from collapse? Because the banks are an integral part of the globalized economy and the politicians take the view that the system should be saved at the expense of the people.
Why are the people in North Africa and the Middle East rebelling against their leaders? Because the leaders are corrupt and greedy and give the common man no chance to live a life without fear and with the possibility of pride in their achievements.
Why are the people of Greece going on strike? Because they are being made to pay for the mistakes of the banks and their political masters.
Why do our political leaders hold such store by Economic Growth? Because growth is an integral part of the globalized economy.
The western world is run by rules and systems that preserve the political and economic elite in their ruling position. They will not countenance a change to the system, despite the illogicality of many of their pronouncements. Clearly growth cannot continue for ever as resources are finite- fact. Equally Empires do not last for ever- fact, despite the leaders clinging onto their power for as long as possible.
An analysis of the reuirements of the International Economic Model, needs to address in the first instance, the systems that should support our requirements. Only in this way will sensible progress be made.
1. Economic growth cannot continue unabated.
2. Each country should have its own manufacturing base. China cannot continue to provide the world with cheap goods that they cannot afford and probably dont need. Production should not be exported by the West to the East because they have a lower unit cost of production.
3. Differentials of Pay between the top and the bottom should not only be reduced, but should reflect an accepted sense of worth, such that the Poor are not exploited for the benefit of the Rich. Within this narrowing of the wealth spectrum the powerful should become the servants of the weak and actively seek equality so that compassion can replace greed and humility replace power.
4. Education should emphasise helping others. Academic attainment has been too closely related to financial worth.
I think that economics should become a byword for the fair distribution of wealth and that commodities are only used where their environmental, social and economic benefit have been assessed by an elected panel that fairly represents these relevant interests. While the world players try to fiddle about with an Economic System that is broken and discredited, all they are achieving is a bad repair job that will inevitably break sooner or later. These breaks tend to be cataclysmic and unexpected and whilst they cannot be predicted , that they will occur is as certain as the fact that there will one day be another earthquake of Richter magnitude 9.5.
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