Wednesday, 16 November 2011

International Bribery

At all points in history, the rulers have, on most occasions, used the weapon of financial bribery to maintain and control their interests in various parts of the world.

In recent history, think about some of the most vilified names, Sadaam Hussein, Gadaffi, The Taliban, Osama bin Laden and General Pinochet.  At one time or another they were all funded and supported by the U.S/ Western alliance.  Part of the price was the killing and control of unwanted factions in their respective countries.

What is happening in Europe at present?  Those countries that do not bend over backwards to do the will of Europe's Paymasters get their leaders removed and then replaced by "ministers" of the church of "Europe".  In the case of Italy, the new Prime-minister is a former E.U Commissioner, while Greece's new P.M is a former vice-president of the European Central Bank.  Spain have elections this weekend and will dump Zapata and replace him with yet another "minister".

The Paymasters ability to protect themselves and surround themselves with acolytes is not surprising, but they put themselves in a dangerous position.  If the catechism of their Church turns out to be unacceptable, and it will if Germany doesn't allow the indiscriminate printing of new money, then they will be exposed as a failed religion that must be removed.

Surely a better option is for these countries to leave the Euro and escape the downward spiral of endless austerity and rediscover some national pride and identity and some degree of control over their own affairs.  We should be looking for a new accommodation with the paymasters, recognising that sooner or later the Euro in it's current format is doomed.

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