The Persian King Xerxes may well have been re-incarnated as Angela Merkel, but there is one significant difference. The three hundred Spartans who fought for freedom against the almost endless power of the Persians have been replaced by three hundred Greek M.P's who take the view that the austerity measures imposed by the germans must be followed. The people of Greece want Freedom while the three hundred want to be a small, austere economic sprat belonging to a prescriptive Europe headed by Germany.
Sooner rather than later though I think Thermopylae will be revisited as the people of Greece insist on freedom. The tide is turning and the economic appointees of Merkel and Sarkozy should realise that the people don't want them. From the bottom upwards there is pressure to change and when Francois Hollande becomes the next president of France there will be pressure downwards and another nail in the coffin of austerity and the euro.
you were right.